Environment Safety Test
Main Tasks
- Production flaw research
- Safety flaw research related to vehicle engine
- Self-certification suitability test (motor output test)
- Engine-related performance test
- Output, fuel performance test, etc.
- Engine exhaust gas and greenhouse gas emission factor test
- Enactment? Revision of Safety Standards
- WP29 GRPE (pollution and energy fields) activities
- Collecting information related to 1958, 1998 treaties
- Enacting and revising safety standards related to motor output
- Enacting and revising domestic safety standards (motor and kinetic delivery device)
Equipment Name and Data
- Small Engine Dynamometer: AC APA(120kW, 190kW) and additional equipment
- Big Engine Dynamometer: DR-380(380kW), AC Titan(440kW) and additional equipment
- Exhaust gas analysis equipment: AVL i60, Horiba MEXA-7500D, AVL FTIR
- Granular material and exhaust measurement device: SPC, Opacimeter
- Fuel consumption rate measuring device, temperature controller (fuel, coolant, engine oil) etc.
Equipment Usage
- Rules for Vehicle Safety Standards Article 106(motor output)
- Vehicle engine-related safety flaw research
- Mid-big sized vehicle fuel consumption rate testing method development
- Engine output, exhaust gas, and fuel performance test, etc.