Greenhouse gas emissions research in transportatio
Main Projects
(Sub-project 1) National traffic greenhouse gas emission survey
- Purpose: Execute accurate and transparent national traffic greenhouse emission surveying tasks as the institution assessing national traffic greenhouse emission
- Basis: Article 45 of the 「Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth」 and Article 36 of its enforcement decree
- Procedure: Assess and report on greenhouse emission by mode of transportation (Road, rails, aviation, other) according to the “National Greenhouse Gas Statistical Inventory/Report/Verification Guidelines” which applied the greenhouse emission inventory guidelines provided by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in a manner suitable for domestic circumstances
* Greenhouse gas emission statistics for year n is calculated up to year n-2
(Sub-project 2) Local government traffic greenhouse gas emission survey and develop automobile emission coefficient
- Purpose: Assess local government traffic greenhouse gas emission and develop emission coefficient for establishing climate change policy and utilizing in greenhouse emission monitoring
- Basis: Article 16 of the 「Sustainable Transportation Logistics Development Act」 and Article 47 of its enforcement decree
- Procedure
- ① Select and prepare test vehicle
- ② Emission gas verification test (WLTP mode)
- ③ Greenhouse gas emission coefficient development test (NIER drive mode by vehicle speed)
- ④ Test results analysis (Assess greenhouse gas by vehicle speed)
- ⑤ Statistical processing and analysis
- ⑥ Derive greenhouse gas emission coefficient (By oil type, vehicle type, and vehicle speed)
- ⑦ Announce Tier3 automobile emission coefficient (CO2, CH4, N2O)
- ⑧ Assess local government emission
(Sub-project 3) Operate traffic greenhouse gas energy target management system
- Purpose: Designate business sites above 15,000t of CO2 in terms of greenhouse gas emission and business sites above energy consumption of 80TJ for management to achieve national greenhouse gas reduction target (37% reduction by 2030) as well as traffic greenhouse gas reduction target (29.3% reduction by 2030 compared to projected emission) and configure and manage greenhouse gas reduction target and energy reduction target
- Basis: Article 42 of the 「Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth」 and Article 26 of its enforcement decree
- Key tasks
- ① Designate managed companies
- ② Report (Specification sheet, execution plan, execution performance report
- ③ Configure reduction target for managed companies
- ④ Evaluate execution performance for designated companies
- ⑤ Reduction technology support and training/promotion for managed companies
- Procedure: Execute task by unit of 4 years
- Current : 86 Companies designated total among management companies as of 2019 (53 Passenger companies, 22 cargo companies, 11 railway companies)
- Background for promotion: Automobile greenhouse gas emission coefficient development and announcement (2009) Establishment of greenhouse gas emission coefficient roadmap (2013) Tier2 Non-CO2 emission coefficient announcement (2014) Tier3 automobile emission coefficient announcement (~Present) Development of tier3 emission coefficient by vehicle type including passenger, van, and cargo vehicles
(Sub-project 4) Operate Korea Transport Emission Management System (KOTEMS)
- Purpose: Support and manage national statistics, greenhouse gas emission statistics, local government traffic, target management support, and reduction effect evaluation system as a system to systematically manage greenhouse gas from traffic
- Function
- ① Greenhouse gas emission statistics
- Provide domestic and overseas energy consumption and greenhouse emission
- Provide information on domestic traffic (Roads, rails, aviation, shipping) fuel and energy consumption/greenhouse gas
- ② Target management support system
- Support target management system related tasks
- ③ Reduction effect evaluation system
- Evaluate greenhouse gas reduction effect for promoted projects for establishing greenhouse gas reducing traffic system
- Policy and technology evaluation (Electric vehicle/hybrid supply, eco-drive, etc.)
- ① Greenhouse gas emission statistics
- Website :
- Contact : 031-369-0344